Children at the playground with their backpacks

NVLD Bloggers

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The NVLD Project Interview with Social Ambassador, Jennifer, on her Podcast

By NVLD Bloggers

Social Ambassador Jennifer Purcell, otherwise known as the Ever-Changing Butterfly, shares a deeper look into her NVLD podcast with the NVLD Project Team! Jennifer created her podcast, Living with an Invisible Learning Challenge, to raise awareness and understanding for NVLD. Her podcast is available on several platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, and more.

The general population’s lack of knowledge surrounding NVLD makes her podcast all the more critical and relevant regarding efforts to secure the inclusion of Non-Verbal Learning Disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Detailing the ways she overcame her own challenges and inspiring others to do the same, her podcast becomes a network to educate people and build a larger community for those living with NVLD. Read more about her experience creating this podcast, interviewing others, and sharing it with the world in our interview with her below! Read More

An Introduction, by Oscar

By NVLD Bloggers

Hello, my name is Oscar and I have NVLD – Non-Verbal Learning Disability, I was diagnosed with it at the age of 9. The first sign that I had a learning difficulty was when I was in school and I didn’t know my 2x table, that was a sign for my mum that I should see someone. We saw multiple specialists and none of them got it correct….. until we met Doctor Johnathan Williams,  a child psychiatrist. He was the one that officially diagnosed me with NVLD.
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Why Being a Three Season Runner Was Such a Positive, by Eileen

By Eileen, NVLD Bloggers

At the beginning of my varsity cross-country and track career, I was asked a lot, “why are you a runner?” as I worked so hard just to finish near the bottom. Later on, the question changed to “how did you get your coaches to like and respect you”? I understood where they were coming from in many ways as I was working hard just to finish the race while teammates were competing for top finishes. However, it was so disappointing that they couldn’t see the full picture of why I never gave up running. Couldn’t they see running lead to so many personal and social gains and learning many life lessons?

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The Complicated Life of the NVLD Photographer, by Hailey

By NVLD Bloggers

Where do I start? Being A NVLD photographer is tough. You create your vision the best you can, but you find the spatial issues, technical lighting and settings to be really complicated. Sometimes you feel limited to what you can create because of your disorder and what your brain can come up with. You compare yourselves to others in your field and wonder if they would’ve done a better job than you. Sometimes you’re scared to admit your struggles because you are worried about what others may think.
I know I am. It’s an isolating disorder that people cannot see.

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An Open Letter To My Former Coaches and to Those With NVLD, by Eileen

By Eileen, NVLD Bloggers

There is nothing that frustrates me more than reading that few people with an NVLD or a similar disability are fully included in sports during the high school years. As my Cross-Country and Track coaches proved 20 years ago, in a sport like running we can have inclusion since it is all about doing your best and supporting all runners. So as you read this I hope you understand why I strongly believe this percentage needs to be so much higher.
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Physical Education and Having an NVLD, by Eileen

By Eileen, NVLD Bloggers

One of the hardest things about having an NVLD can be participating in Physical education, especially at the secondary level. What is often overlooked is that accommodations/modifications can be made for NVLD students to make gym class more enjoyable, and if done correctly, their classmates don’t even know it. This can be done by having a meeting with your gym teacher ahead of time to choose activities you can do for each unit so you won’t be faced with having to choose between two activities that include so many gross motor and hand-eye coordination skills, such as volleyball or Badminton.
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The Difficulty of Misunderstanding People at Times, by Eileen

By Eileen, NVLD Bloggers

Overcoming NVLD, my most challenging years were 7th grade through the beginning of 10th grade. I was becoming more and more aware of my disability since my sister’s achievements were around me quite regularly. For example, she was a starter on the basketball team, so the highlights often included her, and she was Vice President of our school’s service club, so her picture was often in our local paper for that. Due to this, it was hard for me to understand if my teachers and coaches really liked me or just felt sorry for me because I wasn’t gifted like my sister. I struggled to understand that each student has their positives and that each educator and coach enjoys the individual for a different reason.
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Blessing in Disguise, by Jennifer

By NVLD Bloggers

I was diagnosed with NVLD at age 19. It was like a lightbulb went off because now my family had answers to all of the questions of why so many things were and still are challenging for me. Ever since I’ve been diagnosed, I’ve been trying to make those challenges not seem so big, and some of them have gotten easier to deal with. I’ve gotten better at reading social cues and body language by asking my parents what they mean when I see them in a TV show. I have also gotten better at doing math in my head by doing addition with easy groupings that equal five, ten, or 15. I have tried to make many, if not all of the challenges easier for me because I know they can be, and I want them to be. Read More

Diagnosed at 5, by Anne

By NVLD Bloggers

I was diagnosed with NVLD when I was quite young. A speech therapist I saw figured out I had it from doing social skill classes with her. I first talked at 18 months and had typical autistic traits like creativity and dire interests in history facts even in kindergarten and first grade. Another trait I had at a very young age was love of music and being able to properly sing the ABC’s. That’s when my mother thought about getting me a music teacher and finally started at 8 years old.
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