Social Ambassador Jennifer Purcell, otherwise known as the Ever-Changing Butterfly, shares a deeper look into her NVLD podcast with the NVLD Project Team! Jennifer created her podcast, Living with an Invisible Learning Challenge, to raise awareness and understanding for NVLD. Her podcast is available on several platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, and more.
The general population’s lack of knowledge surrounding NVLD makes her podcast all the more critical and relevant regarding efforts to secure the inclusion of Non-Verbal Learning Disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Detailing the ways she overcame her own challenges and inspiring others to do the same, her podcast becomes a network to educate people and build a larger community for those living with NVLD. Read more about her experience creating this podcast, interviewing others, and sharing it with the world in our interview with her below! Read More