Children lay on the grass at the park

Educational Toolkit

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NVLD for the Classroom

Non-Verbal Learning Disability for the Classroom

The NVLD Project and Winston Preparatory School worked together to create a presentation to help both parents and educators better understand Non-Verbal Learning Disability and how it can manifest in the classroom.

The discussion includes common NVLD myths, strengths and weaknesses of those with NVLD, and instructional approaches and sample interventions in five different categories: visual spatial, higher order comprehension, social communication, math concepts and executive functions.

You can also download the PDF version (without audio) of this presentation: NVLD for the Classroom

Children lay on the grass at the park

Video Library

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The NVLD Project Videos

What is it like to have a learning disability?

This written exercise created by Dr. Amy Margolis of Columbia University Medical Center and Amy Levine from Mary McDowell Friends School lets you experience what it feels like to have a learning disability.

What is NVLD?

The NVLD Project founder, Dr. Laura Lemle, hosts a round table discussion with experts in learning disabilities from the Child Psychology Division at Columbia University Medical Center. The roundtable discussion includes what Non-Verbal Learning Disability is, the differences between NVLD and other diagnosis, and the ground-breaking research that Columbia is conducting to make NVLD a valid diagnosis in the DSM.

My NVLD Story (Count Me In)

This animated video of a 12-year-old’s experience about living with NVLD describes how the learning disability affects her in social situations.

Ambassador Appeal

The NVLD Project’s Social Ambassadors discuss the work The NVLD Project is doing and why donations are important to support the organization’s mission.

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Facebook Live Videos

Facebook Live with Amy Margolis, Ph.D.

Join us as we discuss what to do after an NVLD diagnosis with one of our research partner Amy Margolis, Ph.D.

Dr. Amy Margolis is Assistant Professor of Medical Psychology with an appointment in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and an affiliation with the Cognitive Development and Neuroimaging Laboratory.

Facebook Live with Linda Karanzalis

Join us as we chat with Linda Karanzalis about what it is like to be an adult with Non-Verbal Learning Disability.

Linda is a current NJ Certified K-12 special education and former classroom teacher with over 19 years of experience in the field of learning disabilities. She is a founding member of CHADD in South Jersey and recently joined ADDitude Magazine as an expert contributor.

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Other Resources

Living with a Nonverbal Learning Disorder

Abby Bell is a young adult with nonverbal learning disabilities and ADHD. But it took a long road for her to learn exactly why she struggled.

Misdiagnosed with Asperger’s when she was a young child, Abby had difficulty in social situations and struggled with things like spatial awareness. But when she was 18 and was re-evaluated, she was finally identified as having NVLD.

Understanding Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NVLD)

An introduction and developmental overview of Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NVLD or NLD), a unique learning disability explained by psychologists Jessica Broitman, Ph.D and Jack Davis, Ph.D, and learning specialist, Kitty Lindow, M.Ed. For parents, educators, and people with NVLD. Covers what Is NVLD, what to look for developmentally, building a supportive team, school placement, and resources.

What Is Nonverbal Learning Disability?

What do we mean by the term nonverbal learning disabilities (NVLD or NLD)? What are the unique characteristics of individuals whose challenges in learning, attention and behavior are captured by this not-so-well-know and sometimes controversial disorder? View this video to learn more and visit the NCLD website for detailed information about LD and more.

Asperger’s Syndrome vs. Nonverbal LD: The Same or Different?

Asperger’s Syndrome and Nonverbal Learning Disabilities share many characteristics but are not the same. Watch and listen as NCLD’s LD expert, Dr. Sheldon H. Horowitz, offers a detailed overview of these disorders in one of a growing library of “Ask the Expert” videos at NCLD.

Learning Disabilities, What Are the Different Types?

Learning disabilities expert Dr. Sheldon Horowitz explains the different types of learning disabilities and their impact on people with LD.

Strengths of Students with Learning Disabilities and Other Disorders

There is no question that individuals with learning disabilities (LD), ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, NVLD, and Autism Spectrum Disorders face serious challenges in the areas of learning, attention, and behavior. But many also exemplify characteristics that could be seen as pockets of strength. For more information about each of these disorders and about LD in general, visit NCLD.

What Parents Need to Understand About NVLD

Judy Lewis, explains how parents can help children with Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NVLD) and answers questions from parents.