Children at the playground with their backpacks

NVLD Bloggers

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Everyone Needs a Coach, by Eileen

By Eileen, NVLD Bloggers

Growing up, one of my favorite parts of the school day was connecting with all of my coaches. Truthfully they were the adults who understood me the best, which allowed them to really connect with me. Having these strong relationships is why I strongly believe having a coach/athlete relationship is important for a student with an NVLD or similar disability. The reality is coaches support you in all aspects of life, and because athletics are in a more casual setting, these students can open up more to them.
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Life with NVLD, by Sydney

By NVLD Bloggers

My name is Sydney and I am 23 years old. I am from a small town in Alabama and was diagnosed with NVLD when I was in the 5th grade. While the diagnoses answered a bunch of questions, it opened its own can of problems. My parents immediately put an IEP in place for me at school to receive certain accommodations, hardly any of which were met throughout the rest of my schooling, reasoning being my grades were “good enough” and I didn’t really need assistance. I was an all A and occasional B student. Friends were few and far between but I clung to the ones I did have. Marching band was a safe haven for me and was the only place in which I felt I was good at something. Read More

An Open Letter to my Track Coach, by Eileen

By Eileen, NVLD Bloggers

With National Student-Athlete Day being in April, I think about how lucky I am to have been coached by you, Penny. It truly allowed me to be a student-athlete which is unusual for someone like me who has an NVLD. There was never a day where you weren’t supporting me and making sure I always had equal opportunities. I know it wasn’t always easy, and I greatly appreciate how far out of your way you went for me. Read More

Living with NVLD, by Erica

By NVLD Bloggers

I don’t even know where to begin. I had a learning disability for a long time. Academically I did ok except for math and taking notes.  I was unable to make friends, was clumsy, and not included in social groups. In elementary school I was in a special gym class. I hated it. My mother constantly had me evaluated and tested. I wanted to be a normal kid. As I got older the constant special help led to anger behavioral problems which led to more exclusion and then removal from the family and dcf involvement. My life has been hard.  The hardest part is not being able to relate and connect to others through friendships and relationships. I feel so alone in this world and feel misunderstood. Read More

Self Help for Improving Visual Spatial Skills in Those with NVLD, by DK

By NVLD Bloggers

My story is so long and I’ve explained it too many times to have the energy to retell it.

Believe it or not, I am a successful visual artist. Searching to advance in my painting practice, I’ve found a couple of fun and challenging activities that work well. It is not a cure, but daily practice of these activities does lead to gains. I have been helped a lot by playing Quizbit, alone. This helps with mental rotation, visual-spatial reasoning, and fine motor skills. Read More

My Struggle With NVLD, by Sara

By NVLD Bloggers

For the longest time, I didn’t realize anything was wrong with me. I was doing good in school with straight A’s, but I had no friends, and couldn’t seem to make any. No one wanted to play with me or invite me over, and I didn’t know why. Flash forward 8 years and I’m thinking I might have autism, based on the things I had seen online and the people I talked to. It took about a year to get the diagnosis of NVLD, and I didn’t understand it. I still don’t a year later. Read More