My son was diagnosed with NVLD as a freshman in high school. The H.S. helped by making sure he was placed with the teachers who were the most verbal in teaching their subject. He graduated with honors. College was difficult so he never completed it, and he never was sure what he wanted to study. Read More

Our 2nd child was born with all the hopes & dreams that all parents have. It wasn’t long before we realized something was different. (We had always dreamed of going to Italy, but woke up in Holland-you know that poem) All his milestones were delayed, but the doctors said “ oh he’s a boy-they are different. Don’t worry.”
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My daughter is nine years old. She was born five weeks premature. As a baby and toddler, she did seem to take a bit longer to catch onto things. But I didn’t really think much of it at the time. It wasn’t until Preschool and Kindergarten that I realized that something was going on. My older daughter has ADHD and a math learning disability, so I wondered if Jessica had the same thing. Was it that or an anxiety disorder, or what was it? I knew there was something. But I could never pinpoint what it was. Read More
This past summer, after encouragement from a good friend who had helped my son with issues surrounding executive functioning, my 14 yo son was diagnosed with ADHD, NVLD and depression. The first half of his freshman year has been successful because of him receiving a 504 for the ADHD and with prescription for Adderall, he has been able to receive the support he needs academically. He finished his first semester with a 4.25.
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I emphasize NVLD in the title because I want to make this dx stand out and be recognized. Buried behind the more mainstreamed Special Education services criteria or diagnoses like Autism and Social communication Disorders, or ADHD I am not sure if these 4 letters have sunk into the conscience of enough educators and clinicians so here I am, “again” NVLD, NVLD, NVLD do you hear me, do you see me, can you help me? I feel like those are all of the things my son with this Dx would like to know.
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My son was diagnosed with NVLD at 9. We jumped right into educating ourselves with a lot of books and a team of amazing teachers. He had a special Ed teacher help with math and spatial challenges, an occupational therapist who helped with fine motor skills and keyboarding, and a truly amazing SLP who worked with him on social skills. We had several IEP meetings every year with teachers and principals; he had great counselors and, for a time, a psychologist who helped our family understand what he needed from us and how we could work together. It was all going really well until he graduated from high school.
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My son was 10 when he was diagnosed with NVLD. He was also diagnosed with ADHD, OCD and anxiety. He is a million different emotions at one time. He currently sees two therapists and he has the ADHD, OCD and anxiety under control for the most part, but the NVLD is making it very challenging for him to interact with people and understand people. He is now 13 and it is very hard seeing “friends” stop interacting with him. He has a very hard time understanding people’s body language and has a tendency to come off strong with people which makes them turn away from him. I know there has to be other parents out there who are dealing with this so I would love some pointers to help him make healthy relationships with other young adults his age and help him understand people’s responses to him and how he plays a role in a successful friendship. I am at a huge loss and just want him to be happy.
I am a mother of two- one boy and one girl. I am really just trying to find some support with parents who are dealing with similar issues with their kids.
Share your own storyI read many of the posts here and share in your anger and frustration over where we are in 2021. I too, have a 20 yr old daughter diagnosed at 9 yrs old with NVLD. I have submitted questions to The NVLD Project over the years and never really received any helpful information although their heart was in the right place. I have a library of books on NVLD… at least 30. They basically all say the same thing & give the same treatment options: Social Skills Groups- I agree 100% the importance of social skills training but anxiety co-exists with this disorder and I can tell you from experience the anxiety & panic these GROUPS caused my daughter was counterproductive… & try finding 1-on-1 social skills training… it doesn’t exist.
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