The Complicated Life of the NVLD Photographer, by Hailey

By February 1, 2022 NVLD Bloggers

Where do I start? Being A NVLD photographer is tough. You create your vision the best you can, but you find the spatial issues, technical lighting and settings to be really complicated. Sometimes you feel limited to what you can create because of your disorder and what your brain can come up with. You compare yourselves to others in your field and wonder if they would’ve done a better job than you. Sometimes you’re scared to admit your struggles because you are worried about what others may think.
I know I am. It’s an isolating disorder that people cannot see.

Anxiety sets in because you are feeling you may rip people off by selling your art. I’ve been there, I sometimes still feel that. I’ve even thought about giving up on my photography. But you can’t give up. You create the best images that you can.

Sure there may be some fields of photography you can’t do if you can’t figure out some lighting skills. That’s OK. Don’t push yourself to do something you cannot do. Just create what art you can manage to do. You can still create beautiful images. You can still learn as much as you can about photography and improve as much as you can. I’ve had to look up and retake courses to relearn some material. To anyone who reads this and feels this way, I believe in your work and your images, please don’t give up. You will improve. It just might take you longer than others. My mother told me it’s not a race. And I think that is a quote to live by.


I’m a photographer who specializes in wildlife.

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