I watched you from the sidelines advocating on my behalf. I watched you with fists clenched and tears in your eyes when the psychologist tried to diminish my worth. I remember the piercing words “low percentile” like nails on a chalk board being repeated over and over again. I remember the decision you made to put me into special education, the extra money you spent on tutoring, and the plans you made to ensure I made it to post-secondary education. I remember it all.

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Mom, dad this letter is for you. You never backed down, you loved my unconditionally and most importantly believed in me. I remember that day as if it were yesterday, being seven-years old and sitting across the table from my teacher, psychologist and principal and being told, “Megan will never have the mental capacity to attend college.”
Mom, dad thank you. I made it! I defied the odds. I graduated high school with honors, I graduated college twice with honors, I’m in my third year of university and I own and operate my own business supporting children with learning disabilities. I saw you, when you didn’t even realise I was watching. You believed in advocating for me so much I decided to become a disability advocate myself. I am not defined by my disability, and my experiences have led me on a journey to cultivate change. It’s been a long and painful journey, but I’m a success story.
Thank you mom and dad.
With love,
I’m a graduate of the Child & Youth Worker program from Cambrian College and I’m pursuing my degree in Disability Studies at Ryerson University along with a certificate in Aboriginal Knowledges & Experiences. I am a Project Social Ambassador for The NVLD Project.
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