A Mother’s Instinct, by Denise

By October 3, 2016 November 15th, 2019 Parents Blogs

My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD at 8 years old as well as a spatial learning disability. I went to many national conferences and read every book I could to try and understand ADHD and learn how to be the best parent for her. We got the educational part of the situation under control but other issues arose with adolescence. For example, we invited 12 “friends” to her 12th birthday and no one came. First sign to me that socially we were not handling the situation correctly. I went into a search mode to figure it out. Came across a simple bound book written about NVLD on the Internet. Bought it, read it, cried….it was my child!!!

We went to Vanderbilt Child Psych hospital to have her tested. Result: She is happy in her skin and the problem was ME! I was told I did not like my child and I should go home and just accept her for who she was. Well I had already done that!!! After many hours of emotional pain for everyone in our family, I decided to just keep researching and use the info to help me be the best parent to our daughter. Academically we succeeded! She graduated from high school, completed college in four years, Vet Tech school, and now is gainfully employed. However, without the appropriate diagnoses till she was 19 she received no help in learning the social skills she was not going to acquire like the neurotypical child. This has caused many years of emotional pain for her as well as us as parents. Now at 28 she wants to understand what this all means and how she can get help. It has been difficult to find professionals that understand the diagnosis and then be able to constructively help her not just listen to her frustrations with no constructive solutions to help her. Would love to connect with others who have raised these very special children and found professionals that have helped them.


My name is Denise and I live in Nashville, TN. I am married and have two children. My child with NVLD has been my full time job for 28 years. She has taught me so much in life yet I still have much to learn! I have tried to share our journey with many so to help others recognize and group together to help others.

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