One of the hardest things about a Non-Verbal Learning Disability is that obstacles can show up at different times throughout your life. It can truly make you feel like overcoming them is impossible. However, I know through personal experiences that with the right support, perseverance, and self-determination anything is possible.

Photo courtesy of Eileen
For me personally the first moment I felt there was hope for me to beat this complicated disability was when I finished my first varsity cross-country race. As I crossed the finish line I could see my true strengths. What really was extra special was how my coach reacted. He understood how much of a milestone this was for me. He made me feel like I had broken a course record!!! I then started to see I wasn’t on this journey alone.
This experience gave my coach the opportunity to advocate for me and to encourage my educational team to give me a true chance. Before this experience I was stubborn and could be rude too because I focused on wishing that I was like my sister rather than seeing my true abilities. The first person to see my personal growth was my resource room teacher and our work together led to a tremendous increase in my GPA. Most of all it brought back my will to always focus on doing my best and my warm and caring personality.
As time went on I continued to make a great impression on my teachers and coaches but I would be lying if I said I didn’t hit any bumps in the road. Through learning from my running experience I worked exceptionally hard for the adults who supported me. The two classes where I knew things were going to work out were Geometry and American History. Since both of my teachers believed I had the determination to pass the regents they gave me extra support quite often after school. I was so touched by their support. In the past I never had this type of confidence shown towards me. Sure enough I did pass both tests and both of these teachers’ remarkable recommendations helped me to attend Dean College. Being accepted to college and having passing test requests on my transcript I just knew I could beat my NVLD.
Now in adulthood when different challenges have arisen I remember these experiences and other wonderful experiences. It gives me the reminder I have the strength and an incredible support team to beat all odds. As you go through your journey I believe that if you never give up and you work together with those who support you you will overcome any obstacles you face. It’s not easy though believing in yourself and those around you will go a long way.
I love going after a challenge and Jim Adams made me realized achievement was a realistic goal!
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