NVLD Teen Jock, by Shanna

By January 14, 2022 Parents Blogs

This past summer, after encouragement from a good friend who had helped my son with issues surrounding executive functioning, my 14 yo son was diagnosed with ADHD, NVLD and depression. The first half of his freshman year has been successful because of him receiving a 504 for the ADHD and with prescription for Adderall, he has been able to receive the support he needs academically. He finished his first semester with a 4.25.

He is also a jock. Sports have been the outlet for all of his energy. He plays club lacrosse (this is his sport), but has also played football, basketball, and has been on skis since he was 2. I now know why he could never land the 360 on his skis, damn spatial awareness.

He made the decision to only play lacrosse this year as it was his freshman year, but I am excited he is talking about football next year.

Sports have been his avenue into connecting with his peers and without it this year, my heart breaks for him. Socially he has struggled. I worry constantly about his lack of connection with his peers and loneliness, but have to come to make peace and that it is ok that he wants to stay home (he could be out making teenage decisions).

As a parent, especially, I admit, a competitive sports parent. The comparison game is hard. I have to struggle to focus on supporting him on his journey and not compare him with those who are naturally coordinated. I have to acknowledge the work he puts in to competing with his more able peers and provide the opportunities for him too keep competing in a positive environment.

His time will come. He will find his people.

I am appreciative of this forum and encourage all parents who have received the gift of our amazing talented and gifted children to keep fighting the good fight and standing up for these exceptional human beings. Their brains may work differently, but isn’t different a super power?


Mom of 2, ten years apart, amazingly talented and gifted boys. Nonprofit Executive Director, once ran for county office, living in the mountains of Colorado and always up to fight the good fight.