Hope, by Ashley

By October 10, 2016 November 12th, 2019 NVLD Bloggers

I remember being in elementary school and being taken out of the classroom or arriving early with my mom, who was a teacher at my school, to meet with the school psychologists. At the time I didn’t know that they were test, but they had me do a series of things like drawing, writing, reading, and etc. Now as a 23 year old I understand that they were testing my memory, attention to detail, learning and etc. I then remember my mother trying to explain to my 9 year old self that my brain was a little different, which is why I struggled with math so much.

After that, I received tutoring for math and was put on an individualized education plan (IEP) all throughout high school. It wasn’t until high school that I asked my mom for more details about my disability. I decided to do research and my whole life started to make sense, I had found the answer to why I didn’t learn to tie my shoes until the third grade, or why my handwriting isn’t pretty and difficult to read, and why I had such difficulty making and keeping friends.

Before I did my own research I thought my disability only accounted to my horrible math skills. My mother told me that school psychologists and teachers told her to not expect me to finish high school as I would most likely drop out due to major learning difficulties. But I am now 23 with a bachelors degree, going on a masters degree in social work, and living independently.

There is hope for all of us struggling with this. I struggle everyday, it is difficult for me to make and keep friends. I get anxious in social gatherings, but I fight every single day because I won’t let this disability have power over my life. My regret is that social skills training wasn’t evidence based practice when I was a child because I could’ve benefitted from that a lot. I’m currently trying to find a therapist so that I could gain skills to deal with my social anxiety and poor social skills. I look forward to my future because I know that NVLD does not define me nor does it have power over me. There is hope for me. There is hope for all of us. I wish all of the NVLD community happiness and success. Don’t loose hope.


I’m a 23 year old female, who was diagnosed with NVLD in elementary school. I work in the field of social work where I coordinate services for families with children and youth that have serious emotional disturbances. I love what I do!

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