I am writing you in the hope that I can make a difference for you as you live your life through your school years. You see I was like you in so many ways when I was in school. I faced all the same challenges in and out of the classroom you are likely going through and today I am proud to say I am a young adult who overcame them. How did I do this you ask? I never gave up and neither should you.
I’ll bet the town you are growing up in is just like mine. Too many kids who have disabilities not reaching beyond their limits to take advantage of all the wonderful support that is out there. Inclusion was the norm in my school but still many students were not encouraged to take all the hard courses or join an athletic team because it would probably be “too hard” for us. This so so wrong. I took the harder path and I am better physically and emotionally because of it and you will be too. Don’t let anybody sell you short.

Photo courtesy of Eileen
Sure, I had my ups and downs and because of my NVLD the school support I had wasn’t the same as a typical special education student but I had enough social and academic skills that allowed me to be in the minority and take the harder path. It wasn’t easy and a lot of tears were shed but I made it and so can you.
I can remember how in elementary school just tying my shoes or buttoning my pants was such a struggle and how embarrassing it was to have to ask a teacher or teacher’s aide to help me so I could go to the bathroom. And then how later not being able to open my locker or being picked last in all the gym classes and how hurt that made me feel. But as I got older I saw that I wasn’t the only one. And let’s not even talk about art class, I was the worst at cutting and pasting so much so that others didn’t want me in their groups.
But the gross and fine motor skills was nothing like trying to deal with my oral motor skills. This was awful as it was with me everywhere not just in gym class or art class. Thankfully I had a phenomenal speech therapist who was just amazing to me. She was my saving grace and I thank God everyday for everything she did for me.
What I hope you will take from reading this is how important it is to overcome your NVLD and the key to doing this is too never lose faith in yourself and your abilities. It’s not easy and I know you will want to give up like I did many times however by working hard no matter the obstacle, overcoming your personal disability will happen.
I am so grateful for all my support!