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The Importance of Being in the Regular Classroom Part A, By Eileen

By NVLD Bloggers

While it’s no secret that I am a true believer in full inclusion for secondary-level students with an NVLD and similar disabilities, I don’t agree with it for elementary students. This is because, for the elementary level, true full inclusion means having all your support services in the regular classroom. I believe these students besides needing more direct instruction also need a place just to cool off. That being said I believe these students shouldn’t be leaving the classroom for every service either and it should be limited to 45-60 minutes with the understanding that by the time students reach the secondary level true full inclusion needs to be in place. Read More

“An Open Letter to Explain How It takes A Village To Raise A Child” , By Eileen

By NVLD Bloggers

To Students With An NVLD: Growing up it was hard for me to understand why  I needed a lot of support from my teachers, therapists, and coaches to be successful.  It just didn’t make sense as my sister excelled at everything and things were relatively easy for the friends I had through youth activities. While not all of them were necessarily great students they were strong athletes. So if you are facing self-esteem issues I can completely understand your feelings of hurt having to have all the extra assistance but I believe with growth and maturity you will be very thankful for how much these adults have impacted your life. It truly does take a village to raise a child though often it does take time to see this. Read More

NLD and Misplacing Things by Jennifer

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Well, good morning and happy Friday. Or maybe it’s Saturday, depending on when you’re listening to this, or maybe if it’s even, it’s later into next week. So have you ever thought you lost something that was very was really valuable, precious, or meaningful to you. If so, I hope you were able to find it when you least expected it. When you are trying to find it, do you tend to tear the room apart looking for it and then get frustrated when you don’t find it? And even more so when you realize the mess you made and and have to put everything back where it belonged. I can think of many times when this happened to myself. Read More

My Hidden Disability, by Kamryn

By NVLD Bloggers

Let’s take this back to when I was 5 years old and in Kindergarten, My teacher informed my parents that she was concerned with my learning and noticed I was having some difficulties – social-wise, learning-wise, spatially. Throughout school, I struggled hard for many years without any firm answers. Teachers told me I was defiant or I just chose not to listen.

But in my head kids are doing things I’m supposed to be able to achieve yet my paper looked like another language, I remember sitting there for hours staring at the paper trying to just be like the average student but it never worked. I couldn’t remember the teacher’s lesson to save my life it was like all of it was erased from my memory the next day. But I could remember someone’s family member or dog it didn’t make sense which is so frustrating.

By the time I was diagnosed with NVLD, I was 21 years old, While this disability is so infuriating it taught me so much I learned that I can adapt and overcome anything, NVLD doesn’t define us it makes us! Who we are! Thank you for listening to my story


My name is Kamryn I’m 29, and I have NVLD and this is my story.

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Advice for NVLD Students : Part B , by Eileen

By NVLD Bloggers

Now to continue from Part A. My next piece of advice is to make sure you are in a  fully inclusive academic environment. This would mean each regular education course would include anywhere from 3-8 students with disabilities. The reason for this is students with an NVLD and similar disabilities need to learn the proper social communication skills. Whether it is making great friendships or being able to always behave appropriately in the classroom the full inclusion setting provides stronger opportunities for this to happen. Also,  the student’s motivation level can greatly increase by being challenged more consistently and having greater personal connections in this setting. Thankfully it seems that many school districts use this setup but it is important to be sure this is taking place. Read More

Non-Verbal Learning Disability Super Powers, by Megan

By NVLD Bloggers

There are many hidden strengths of having a non-verbal learning disability, some of which were slowly revealed over time. This is not to say that my strengths and gifts outweigh my struggles, as having NVLD can be both a blessing and a curse. I’m well aware of both my strengths and struggles, and I believe it’s important to focus on one’s strengths when it comes to having a learning disability. NVLD has been a mysterious gift hidden in disguise since I was 7 years old and here are just some of the mysteries that come with having NVLD which I like to think of as my superpowers! This is also not to say that everyone with NVLD possesses the same strengths and gifts as I do, we are all beautifully unique in our own way!
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Advice for NVLD students Part A , by Eileen

By NVLD Bloggers

While I am not a special education teacher or another provider like a school psychologist I am very familiar with what NVLD students truly need to overcome the disability and have success. Having this understanding comes from remembering all the techniques and methods that my teachers, therapists, and coaches used with me over the years. Their willingness and openness to do things differently contributed to my success. Read More

NVLD & Me, by Jake

By NVLD Bloggers

As most people who have NVLD know, it’s very hard to understand people. However, I’ve never struggled to understand film and television. From as far back as I remember I was entranced with the medium. Hell, I even would take sayings or attributes from fictional characters to help me in social settings. I used to be scared of flying until one day my mom asked me “What would Nightwing do?” and my fears were absolved. Read More

Feeling A Drift & Now Tethered, by Dani

By NVLD Bloggers

I remember being six and feeling as if I didn’t belong. Hearing my kindergarten teacher share I was troubled.

I later learned that my parents had been told to have low expectations for me. My mother gave me a text that stated I was more likely to be depressed, not attend college, and never live on my own. Read More