Project Social Ambassador

Michaela Hearst headshot

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Location: New York

Age: 25

College: Masters of Social Work (MSW) Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College; BA Psychology, Manhattanville College; AA Liberal Studies, Landmark College

Profession: Social worker, tree climber, coffee drinker

Biography: Hey there! I’m Michaela. I’m a lover of nature, poetry, and iced coffee (in my humble opinion, the only coffee truly worth drinking). I was diagnosed with NVLD when I was 14. I always say that no two diagnosis of NVLD are alike. Mainly, my struggles are with slow processing speed, spatial relations and visual memory. I’m naturally extroverted, and I think of myself as a people person! I’m studying to become a social worker because I want to be able to help individuals with learning disabilities just like me! My hobbies include playing my guitar, drawing, and spending time outdoors.

Who is your favorite TV show character and why? Lieutenant Olivia Benson from Law & Order: SVU because of her incredible strength, persistence, selflessness, dedication, perseverance, and beauty inside and out.

Michaela is a member of the Young Adult Leadership Council for the National Center for Learning Disabilities.