View all of our videos on our YouTube page.

Understanding Non-Verbal Learning Disability
What is NVLD?
A roundtable discussion with The NVLD Project founder, Dr. Laura Lemle, and experts in learning disabilities from the Child Psychology Division at Columbia University Medical Center
Understanding Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NVLD)
An overview of Nonverbal Learning Disorder by Jessica Broitman, Ph.D and Jack Davis, Ph.D, and learning specialist, Kitty Lindow, M.Ed.
What is it like to have a learning disability?
Try this exercise to experience what it feels like to have a learning disability.
My NVLD Story (Count Me In)
A 12-year-old’s experience about living with NVLD describes how the learning disability affects her in social situations.
National TV Spots
The Balancing Act
Emerging Healthcare Trends: An Education on Non-Verbal Learning Disability
3rd Hour Today
What is Non-Verbal Learning Disability? Family shares their experience.
Expert Discussions
NVLD and The DSM Inclusion Project
A discussion about what the DSM is, why it’s important for NVLD to be included, the proposed name change, the project’s current status and next steps.
What To Do After an NVLD Diagnosis
Unsure what to do after receiving an NVLD diagnosis? Research partner Amy Margolis, Ph.D. walks us through next steps.
All About Social Skills Groups
Jackie Zimmel, Director at Social City, focuses on all things related to social skills groups, including what they are and why they are important.
The Difference Between NVLD, ASD, ADHD and Other LDs
Sheldon H. Horowitz, Ed.D., of the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD), speaks about the differences and overlaps between common learning disabilities.
Online Education for Students with NVLD
Tabitha Mancini and Michele Heimbauer from Winston Preparatory School discuss the benefits of a virtual education for students with learning disabilities.
Life After High School with NVLD
Susan Micari, MS. Ed. and Annalisa Perfetto, Ph.D., of EdTherapy NYC, discuss the transitions from high school into both college and the workforce.
Top Ten Things to Know When Applying to College with a Learning Disability
Sherri Maxman of The College Maven focuses on elucidating the top ten things to know when applying to college with a learning disability (LD).
Life After College with NVLD
Samantha Curiale-Feinman from New Frontiers Executive Function Coaching explains how the transition to post-college life can be both difficult and successful.
Personal NVLD Stories
Shari’s NVLD Story
Students from The School of Visual Arts created a short film about Shari Cherry and her journey with Non-Verbal Learning Disability.
An NVLD Journey and Starting a Business
Join us as we chat with Megan Suggitt about her NVLD journey and the inspiration behind Beautiful Minds.
“I Have Non-Verbal Learning Disability and That’s Okay”
Join us as we speak with mother and Author Kacy Chambers.
On Being an Adult with NVLD
Join us as we chat with NVLD blogger and ambassador Michaela Hearst about her journey with NVLD.