What 2020 has Taught Me, by Eileen

By December 28, 2020 NVLD Bloggers

As 2020 is almost over, it has made me realize how important having strong personal relationships are to help you navigate life. Personally, I can’t imagine going through the pandemic without the wonderful connections I have. While this can be done, it is difficult for many with an NVLD. These times remind us how they are as important as gaining academic skills.

Having a group of friends to Zoom or Facetime was special and broke up the disappointments of the times. Having these meetings helped me realize how important meaningful friendships are in life. Throughout all of this, I really feel bad for those who lack these connections and resources to be able create meaningful friendships. Many with an NVLD need these experiences to have this happen. Now, more than ever, I truly hope this changes as through good times and bad no one should be doing the journey alone. While I understand this may be hard, in the end it will help you a great deal.

I also realized how relationships can be with adults too and how blessed I am to have a great relationship with many especially my former coach, Jim Adams. Now that life is a little slower, I had a lot of time to reflect about how he was one of a few who never underestimated me and how we always enjoyed each other’s company. Throughout the pandemic, we have kept in close contact and have been there during the good and bad times. Though what makes Jim’s relationship an important one is how good his family is to me too.

One of reasons NVLD students have few personal relationships is that services like occupational therapy and tutoring often fill up the students schedule thereby limiting their time for social interaction with their peers. This year made me realize how fortunate I was during high school to have a mother who would stay up with me as long it took me to do my homework so that I could be involved in sports and clubs where I was able to make meaningful relationships. Many with an NVLD learned by experiences so structured activities are necessary to make friends.These hard times remind us daily how we must take care of all pieces of the puzzle to navigate life.

While I understand making relationships is hard, I strongly believe in the end it will make a tremendous difference. It can be a process, but after you make the first one more will follow and these relationships will help you a great deal. As we face these hard times, having someone to turn too will be very important. As you begin to do this even if it is just one or two that is okay, as it only takes one great person to make a difference.


The Adams are forever my favorite family in the world and am so grateful for my friends!

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